Charity Research Round Up. Issue 2
Welcome to issue two of the Bluefrog Fundraising Research Digest, our semi-regular round-up of research related to all things fundraising. As before, if you have any research that you might like to share (we’d love to see any in-house research highlights) please drop us a…
Charity research round up. Issue 1.
Welcome to the first edition of Research Digest, a semi-regular round-up of research related to all things fundraising. Once a month or so, we’ll select some recently published research along with a selection of projects from the last few years that we think are worth…
The A to Z of writing fundraising appeals (Part 3)
Here comes the final part of Steve Lynch’s guide to writing great fundraising copy. If you’ve missed the earlier posts, you can find part one here and part two here. We kick off today with M. M is for Monkey Do you notice anything odd…
The A to Z of writing fundraising appeals (part 2)
It’s time for part two of the fundraising copy writing guide from Bluefrogger, Steve Lynch. As before, remember that this is a little tongue in cheek but packed full of great advice. Part one is here if you missed the previous post. Today, we are…
The A to Z of writing fundraising appeals
I thought I’d share a copy writing guide put together by Bluefrog writing ace, Steve Lynch. Slightly tongue in cheek, it offers a host of tips derived from years of writing hundreds of fantastic charity appeals. His advice should raise a few smiles and hopefully…
A medieval ‘course’ in writing an appeal
There is virtually nothing new in fundraising. It’s one of the reasons I spend so much time in archives, hunting around for historical examples of how people used to raise money for charity. I learn a huge amount that I can implement – with a…
We have reached peak regular giving. So what next?
One of the things that has become apparent in Bluefrog’s ongoing qualitative research is a growing sense of negativity surrounding the issue of monthly gifts – particularly those paid by direct debits. This appears to be more than a general gripe. Take a look at…
The how to fundraise without annoying people checklist
People give to make a positive difference to something that matters to them. Spend as much time, space and budget on showing what donors have achieved through their giving as you do on showing them why money is needed. Remember, your competition isn’t just other…
Inside the mind of the American mid-level donor
In just over a week, I’ll be jumping on a plane for my first trip to Las Vegas to speak at Donor Love Southwest. I’ll be sharing some of the insights I’ve gained over the years about how mid-level donors choose charities and how they…
The Fundraising Ecosystem
I’ve now completed the analysis of Bluefrog Fundraising’s qualitative research into the opinions of donors regarding the safeguarding stories that hit the headlines in February. The process of presenting the findings to clients and sector bodies has begun and we will be sharing them more widely…
The Essentials
Crack the Code to Regular Giving: Insights, Strategies, and a Special Giveaway!
‘Tis Halloween. Keep to the light and beware the Four Fundraisers of the Apocalypse!
Why do people give? The Donor Participation Project with Louis Diez.
A guide to fundraising on the back of a postcard
What does the latest research tell us about the state of fundraising?