A personal letter is worth a hundred impersonal emails
A new MP, Robert Halfon, has shared some of his thoughts on how charities lobby in The Guardian. 150 to 200 impersonal emails a days and a post bag full with "glossy reports, papers, letters from organisations, nine times out of ten sent as a…
Things real people don’t say about advertising
If you ever get tempted to get a little personal when developing creative work and start putting your own likes and preferences ahead of what your donor needs, can I suggest you have a quick look at Things Real People Don't Say About Advertising. It…
It’s how you show it that counts
Information is Beautiful have produced their first animations. As we've seen, statistics can bog down and destroy an appeal, but that is often because of the dull way they are presented. By focusing on the context and the relationship between facts, it's possible to add…
Lessons from A/B testing
Ramit Sethi, author of I Will Teach You To Be Rich, recently shared some of his findings on on-line A/B testing on Quora that were reproduced on Random.Andrew.Warner.com. They are worth sharing as they demonstrate that though we operate in an on-line world, people are…
Why do younger people seem to ignore your appeals?
An interesting set of studies has been published by UC Berkley that looks at how our emotional strategies for dealing with upsetting issues change as we age. As psychologist, Robert Levenson explains: "Increasingly, it appears that the meaning of late life centres on social relationships…
Have a great christmas
I've a couple of posts that still can't get from my brain to the interweb and, quite honestly, it looks like I'm running out of time. But it's christmas! I hope yours is a fantastic one and that santa brings you everything you could wish…
Hopes and fears for 2011
I was asked to write a few paragraphs for The Guardian Voluntary Sector Network on my hopes and fears for 2011. I've been meaning to write something on this for the last few weeks and as I've been a little busy, I thought it worth…
Whatever Jumo is, it isn’t magic
I'm sure people sometimes confuse me with Harry Potter. They invite me in to discuss a new piece of work and the conversation goes a little like this… Hopeful fundraiser: We need to raise (insert very large sum of money of your choice here) urgently….
If Santa was a brand
Santa Claus has been around for a fair few years now and there can't be many of us who don't understand what he's all about. But what would happen if Santa turned up at an advertising agency looking for some advice on how he could…
Online donors are old-fashioned too
A particularly interesting report has just been published by Network for Good andTruesense Marketing. It looks at online giving in the US. It’s a massive study that covers $381 million in online giving through Network for Good’s platform including 3.6 million gifts to 66,470 different…
The Essentials
Crack the Code to Regular Giving: Insights, Strategies, and a Special Giveaway!
‘Tis Halloween. Keep to the light and beware the Four Fundraisers of the Apocalypse!
Why do people give? The Donor Participation Project with Louis Diez.
A guide to fundraising on the back of a postcard
What does the latest research tell us about the state of fundraising?