Mick Jagger ate my mail pack
The Resource Alliance has recently released a video of a presentation I was involved in at last years IFC in Amsterdam. Together with Damian O'Broin from Ask Direct in Ireland and Sandra Cnossen-Albers from WSPA in The Netherlands (who now runs her own fundraising consultancy,…
So what’s going on in the digital fundraising world?
The 2011 eNonprofit Benchmarks Study has been published by M+R Strategic Services and the Nonprofit Technology Network. It's based on analysing the online giving and advocacy activity of donors to 40 charities and nonprofits. It is obviously a US study, but the figures are useful…
Do you really want to be a cliché?
Jeff Brooks has recently written about the impact of re-branding on fundraising and included some hard facts based on his first-hand observations. He covered the four areas that are usually included in any new comms director's re-brand strategy and shared the following: Changing the logo…
When to choose choice
Choice is becoming a buzzword in fundraising. But just how important is it? Over the last few years, organisations like Kiva, DonorsChoose and CRUK (with MyProjects) have done rather well by offering people a chance to decide how their donations are used. Kiva, which launched…
How to work with an agency
Very, very few charities train their fundraising staff in how to work with an agency. One that does is Barnardo's. And I count myself very lucky to have them as a client. Gill McLellan, who put the training sessions together, has experience working both sides…
The web is older and so are (some of) its users
A rather interesting statistical view of the digital landscape in Europe has just been published by comScore. The report provides insights on content categories, trends in social networking (and the knock-on effects on email and instant messaging), with a great snapshot of what's happening in…
Are you local? Are you relevant?
Many years ago when I was fundraising for YMCA England, we undertook a direct mail campaign to assess the impact of asking people to support local work. YMCA England is comprised of over 130 independent community based charities that work together under the YMCA brand….
So what have fundraisers been doing over the last 30 years?
A rather interesting paper has just been published by CGAP and CMPO looking at three decades of charitable giving in the UK. It's based on a detailed analysis on the main trends in giving that uses the government's Living Costs and Food Survey (which used…
A personal letter is worth a hundred impersonal emails
A new MP, Robert Halfon, has shared some of his thoughts on how charities lobby in The Guardian. 150 to 200 impersonal emails a days and a post bag full with "glossy reports, papers, letters from organisations, nine times out of ten sent as a…
Things real people don’t say about advertising
If you ever get tempted to get a little personal when developing creative work and start putting your own likes and preferences ahead of what your donor needs, can I suggest you have a quick look at Things Real People Don't Say About Advertising. It…
Podcast: Recent Episodes
The Essentials
‘Tis Halloween. Keep to the light and beware the Four Fundraisers of the Apocalypse!
Why do people give? The Donor Participation Project with Louis Diez.
A guide to fundraising on the back of a postcard
What does the latest research tell us about the state of fundraising?
How do donors manage their philanthropic budgets?