Mick Jagger ate my mail pack
The Resource Alliance has recently released a video of a presentation I was involved in at last years IFC in Amsterdam.
Together with Damian O'Broin from Ask Direct in Ireland and Sandra Cnossen-Albers from WSPA in The Netherlands (who now runs her own fundraising consultancy, Raising Results) we put together a presentation on celebrating the history of direct marketing. It also included a few of our thoughts on where the medium is likely to go next.
The whole session was about an hour and a half whereas the highlights video only runs for 19 minutes, so I've added the complete stack of slides so you can see some of the other examples of great (and not so great) fundraising ideas that we focused on.
The original presentation also included a few short films missing from the stack. I've included these as links below. The one in my section highlights a particular theme of my part of the presentation – it doesn't necessarily matter what your charity does, if you focus on the needs of the donor you can still make a very effective case for support.
It shows how a US DM agency put together cold fundraising appeals for a serial killer and a convicted fraudster that generated response rates of between 1.5% and 2%. You can see the actual video (which is rather funny) and read more about the experiment here.
Damian's part of the presentation features features three different videos that thank donors. These can be seen by clicking the following links.
You can see another video from the IFC featuring Damian and Aline from Bluefrog Creative (along with some chap called Ken Burnett) on the theme of fundraising innovation here.
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