The oldest fundraising letter in the world
I've just got back from the International Fundraising Conference in Amsterdam. I'd been invited to speak about direct marketing and seeing as it was their 30th anniversary, I decided to look at what fundraisers were doing back in 1981 for some source material. As regular…
Why all charities should thank donors
One of the most dangerous things you can do to any appeal is add a ‘we don’t value you enough to thank you’ tick box to your donation form. They seem to offer supporter choice and some donors appear to like them, but to my…
Do we need to help?
Helping is a basic need state. Even before we are explicitly taught social rules, we seem to want to assist those in need. Whether it is because of an innate desire or because, as babies, we’ve had loads of opportunities to experience acts of helping…
How should we defend face-to-face fundraising?
During my recent break from blogging, I've been keeping an eye on the debate about face-to-face fundraising. It's been quite a saga. It was obviously all kicked off by the piece on BBC's Newsnight. If you missed it, you can watch it here. The central…
Forgiveness or permission?
One thing that fundraising isn’t short of are rules and regulations (OK, I know that’s two, but I’m sure you get the picture). There are taxation regulations that define what fundraising materials must contain in order to be exempt from VAT. There are the industry…
Flashfunding – donor power in action
I’ve mentioned before. Rather than ask people to give money to charity, gives people a chance to end poverty by funding poor entrepreneurs in developing countries. You can read more about the site here or visit it here. The official launch is still…
Why do older people give to charity?
Here’s a little research that helps shine a light on why it’s predominantly older people that give money to charity – particularly through direct mail. It makes them feel good! Wow. What a shock! I heard your chin hit the floor. But what’s interesting is…
What happens after that mailing pack lands on the mat?
TNT Post have just released the results of a poll on the importance of direct mail for raising funds. They surveyed 2,000 British adults and found that: One-third of people who give to charity are prompted to do so by receiving direct mail appeals. 57%…
Ten (eleven) best practices for online fundraisers
Sean Powell has just published a rather useful free e-book that will point anyone who isn’t well versed in online fundraising in the right direction. His key points are: Set up a listening post (I’d to Sean’s recommendations). Re-purpose your content (what works in…
Where are you on the remarkability curve?
Whenever we undertake research with donors, we rarely hear them question the grass roots work of the charities they support… “The trouble with that charity is they aren’t that good at drilling wells.”“I’m not sure if the housing they provide is good enough.” “I know…
The Essentials
Crack the Code to Regular Giving: Insights, Strategies, and a Special Giveaway!
‘Tis Halloween. Keep to the light and beware the Four Fundraisers of the Apocalypse!
Why do people give? The Donor Participation Project with Louis Diez.
A guide to fundraising on the back of a postcard
What does the latest research tell us about the state of fundraising?