600 thank you letters
Charities spend a huge amount of money and time on creating appeal packs but the most important part of the relationship building process – the acknowledgement – is often little more than an afterthought. If you think your own set of thank you letters might…
Coca Cola turns vending machines into collection boxes
If you feel a little thirsty next time you're in Japan and decide to make a trip to your nearest vending machine for a refreshing beverage, you'll find more than a few cans of Coke on offer. You'll also be able to support the Japanese…
Are you suffering from a royal wedding hangover?
Having analysed the results for a number of appeals and spoken to fundraisers from throughout the sector, it looks like we are suffering from a royal wedding DM hangover. Fundraising campaigns that were mailed in the run up to Easter or shortly after the wedding…
Have you got a magic drawer?
This is a photograph of Shanon Doolittle's magic drawer. As you'll see, it's packed full of cards – greeting cards, thank you cards, anniversary cards – every sort of card that might be useful to show a donor that you appreciate their support. Of course,…
Where next for mobile giving?
Following from last week's post on mobile giving in the UK, I thought it might be useful to share this rather good presentation from US digital agency, space150 on broader trends in mobile use. Mobile Trends – June 2011 – Trending The Future View more…
A great example of how to use Twitter as a campaign tool
I'm rather impressed by the Follow the Money Twitter app created in response to the allegation that The News of the World was involved in hacking Milly Dowler's voice mail account. You can read more about it in Melissa Harrison's article in The Guardian, Why…
Why don’t people care as much as you?
When you are committed to a cause it's easy to think that the only reason other people don't feel the same is that they don't understand. Your reaction might be to bombard them with evidence – facts, figures, statistics – anything that supports your position….
A Father’s Day fundraising tip
It's Father's Day on Sunday, which finally gives me an excuse to feature this video. It might not have much to do with fundraising – it was produced by a church from Oklahoma and used as the opening to their Father's Day service in 2010…
If you don’t build what donors want, they aren’t going to come
Blackbaud have just released their 2011 Internet and Multi-channel Giving Benchmarking Report. Based on data from 28 US nonprofit organisations, It takes a long-term look (5 years) on how donors move between online and traditional direct marketing programmes. It's a US study, but many of…
The Essentials
Crack the Code to Regular Giving: Insights, Strategies, and a Special Giveaway!
‘Tis Halloween. Keep to the light and beware the Four Fundraisers of the Apocalypse!
Why do people give? The Donor Participation Project with Louis Diez.
A guide to fundraising on the back of a postcard
What does the latest research tell us about the state of fundraising?