Five fantastic insights for fundraisers from the British Red Cross Museum of Kindness
One of the many great things about charities is the people they attract to work for them – the changemakers – the people who actually get stuck into tackling poverty and fighting injustice, who support others when they are in need of help and who…
The Omicron variant, more restrictions and failings of leadership. What should fundraisers do now? Video presentation
Back in September 2021, I recorded a presentation about the ongoing impact of Covid-19 on giving for the CIOF National Convention. Recent events have made me think that it would be useful to make the video available more widely. The findings are of particular relevance…
Heretical fundraising ideas for 2022
I’ve often thought that the best fundraising practices that inconveniently clash with that sparkly new product or ad campaign can get unnecessarily sidelined – sometimes completely forgotten – in the drive to ‘innovate’. With that in mind, I put together a list of my favourite…
What are the long-term effects of Covid-19 on fundraising?
Month after month for well over a decade, at Bluefrog we have been speaking to donors about their attitudes to giving to charity. That’s around one hundred studies, across many different themes. We’ve learned what people think about regular giving, mid-value gifts, safeguarding, legacies, alumni…
So, what did happen to giving in 2020?
I’ve been lucky enough to have been given early access to some of the key findings from Blackbaud’s 2020 Charitable Giving Report. There’s loads of great insight gained from the analysis of over $40 billion in charitable giving to over 8,800 organisations. But before you…
People who have more money can give more away.
OK. OK. I know. That’s a truism. You obviously have to have some spare cash if you are going to support a charity, but what makes this a particularly interesting point is the recent report from the Governor of the Bank of England, where he…
Why do people give? The supporter experience podcast with Giles Pegram.
It’s been a while, but I’ve moved away from video, back to the podcast for another great chat with Giles Pegram. Giles joined me to share his thoughts about what fundraisers should be doing to prepare for 2021. But most importantly, he spoke about a…
What do donors think about giving now we are 7 months into the pandemic?
As the number of infections increase across the UK and restrictions on our movements are re-imposed, I hope these findings from the fourth round of Bluefrog’s research into giving in the time of Coronavirus will help you plan your fundraising for the weeks and months…
A once in a lifetime Christmas Appeal (we hope)
With Christmas appeals in full development, Bluefrog Account Director, Katherine Howe shares the thinking behind one particular Bluefrog appeal. I hope you find it interesting… As a fundraising Account Director, this time of year is normally full of questions like: Are the dogs allowed to wear…
Do your donors give to focus on a problem or to forget it?
One of the findings that’s been pretty consistent in our research into attitudes to giving in the time of Coronavirus has been how it has focused people’s minds about the charity work that they want to support. As we’ve pointed out in our reports (links…
The Essentials
Crack the Code to Regular Giving: Insights, Strategies, and a Special Giveaway!
‘Tis Halloween. Keep to the light and beware the Four Fundraisers of the Apocalypse!
Why do people give? The Donor Participation Project with Louis Diez.
A guide to fundraising on the back of a postcard
What does the latest research tell us about the state of fundraising?