Coronavirus research findings. What do donors think about giving now? Part 2.
Following on from round one of our research study into donor attitudes to giving in the time of Coronavirus, we are now able to release our second set of findings. The methodology remains the same as that used during the first stage, comprising depth interviews…
Why do people give? The legacy podcast with Richard Radcliffe
With legacy fundraising growing at a terrific rate, this was an important time to be able to chat with one of the world’s most experienced legacy fundraisers, Richard Radcliffe. Richard has been a fundraiser for over 40 years and for most of that time, his…
Why do people give? Talking to donors during the Coronavirus crisis with Amber Nathan
Today, I’m sharing the first feedback on a Bluefrog research study aimed at finding out what UK donors need from charities during the time of the Coronavirus crisis. It should be emphasised that these are still early days and we expect donor attitudes to further…
Coronavirus fundraising. What we’ve learned so far
We are now about two weeks into the Coronavirus crisis in the UK. Dust is beginning to settle and we are getting some idea about what is becoming the new normal. Though we can still expect things to change, I thought it might be useful…
Crisis fundraising: What you can learn from the past to shape your response to the Coronavirus emergency.
Everything is different. And that means that many carefully formulated strategies and mailing plans need to be reviewed and rebuilt to take into account the impact of the Coronavirus crisis. It’s a tough position to be in. But we are not alone. Fundraisers have lived…
Why do people give? The Coronavirus special with Giles Pegram
This is unprecedented territory for fundraisers. Few of us will have experienced anything like this. To help people gets their immediate response into place – before planning commences for the medium to long-term – I thought it would be useful to record a conversation with…
Free resources for creating a Coronavirus Appeal
I wanted to share an update on preparations at Bluefrog for working whilst the Covid-19 situations continues. We want to be part of the broader solution to the current outbreak and protect staff and clients from infection (and anyone else for that matter). Though we…
How to run a quick supporter experience audit
This was originally part of my recent Donor First beats Digital First post. But the length made it too unwieldy, so I subsequently shared it on Twitter instead. It went down well and generated a few questions so I thought I’d share the original long…
Why do people give? The mid-level donor podcast with Angela Cluff
This is a must-listen for anyone interested in mid-level donors. It’s actually a must-listen for everyone, but particularly for those with mid-level donors within their remit. Angela Cluff started out her career at the British Heart Foundation before moving to the NSPCC where she was…
Donor First always beats Digital First
Buzzwords can be difficult creatures. As soon as they start appearing in the fundraising lexicon, they slowly build their power until they have a life of their own. One that I’m hearing pretty regularly at the moment is Digital First. It turns up in conversations…
The Essentials
Crack the Code to Regular Giving: Insights, Strategies, and a Special Giveaway!
‘Tis Halloween. Keep to the light and beware the Four Fundraisers of the Apocalypse!
Why do people give? The Donor Participation Project with Louis Diez.
A guide to fundraising on the back of a postcard
What does the latest research tell us about the state of fundraising?