Nine tips on how to make viral videos
It’s been around for a while, but this guide on how to make viral videos has some great tips that charities could benefit from. In under 4 minutes it shows you: Why content is not king How to get on the most viewed pages Title…
Time to pay the Prostate Cancer Charity back
Back in the early days of the recession, the Prostate Cancer Charity shared some very important information on their copy testing programme with the sector about the impact of talking about the economic downturn in appeals. Now you have an opportunity to say thank you and help the men in your…
When should you try and reactivate lapsed donors?
There's the old story of the man driving around lost in the countryside. He eventually sees someone up ahead and pulls over and asks for directions to his destination. The local looks at him, scratches his head and says, "Well, if I were you, I…
Online giving increases by 43% though average gift size falls
A new report on online activism and fundraising has just been published by M+R Strategic Services and the Nonprofit Technology Network. Using data from 32 US charities for 2007 and 2008 (including Care International, Oxfam America, The Humane Society, Habitat for Humanity and IFAW) and…
There’s no need to pull your hair out over online fundraising…
Juan Manuel Fraga can teach you everything you need to know about making your ask online. Show need Demonstrate the solution Give the donor an easy and simple action Tell them the cost Use a strong call to action Thank Show the donor what they…
An eight point plan for when good intentions go wrong
Some interesting data regarding the impact of Action for Children‘s recent TV campaign has recently been published. It shows the campaign did very well, gaining 9% awareness along with a 20% increase in people saying they would be likely to consider donating to the charity. It’s…
My seven stages of Twitter
You must have heard about Twitter. If you are already a user, you’ll probably be able to relate to much of my experience. If you haven’t yet joined, hopefully this will help you find out what lies in store for you. First a few notes…
Impact of recession on Oxfam’s charity shops
Oxfam have released a fascinating report on the impact of the recession on their charity shops. Having the largest number of stores (714) of any charity in the UK, it presents a pretty comprehensive picture of what is happening nationwide. The highlights are: Donations of…
Results of Barnardo’s TV campaign
Following on from my piece on Barnardo’s creative work in the 1930’s, I’d thought it might be interesting to get a little more contemporary. I’ve blogged before about Barnardo‘s recent TV ad (produced by BBH). I think it’s a great piece of work and if…
Another lesson from history
I’ve just come across another ad that shows us how to do it. Produced by Dr. Barnardo’s Homes (or simply Barnardo’s as they are now) in 1931, it has a huge amount that today’s fundraisers could learn from. It shows a single child who was…
The Essentials
Crack the Code to Regular Giving: Insights, Strategies, and a Special Giveaway!
‘Tis Halloween. Keep to the light and beware the Four Fundraisers of the Apocalypse!
Why do people give? The Donor Participation Project with Louis Diez.
A guide to fundraising on the back of a postcard
What does the latest research tell us about the state of fundraising?