Why don’t all donors care about impact?
A new report on donor attitudes has just been published by Ipsos Mori. Undertaken on behalf of New Philanthropy Capital, the survey looks at issues of trust, general levels of satisfaction, thoughts on CEO salaries and the importance of impact. It was this final area…
The fundraising decision making flow chart
At the heart of any fundraising programme lies a plan. That plan identifies an audience, details what they will receive, through what communication channels, timings and what actions the recipients will hopefully take. They can be hefty documents akin to a telephone directory or something…
What happens when Stephen Fry actually does mention you in a tweet?
Sit in any discussion about how a charity can promote a campaign on social media and it won't be long before someone suggests asking Stephen Fry to tweet about it. Being very kind, intelligent and rather lovely, he is known to tweet on behalf of…
Sex sells, but can it help raise money?
Friendly advice for some of my more sensitive readers – the following contains adult themes and language. Last summer, we were sitting on the roof of Bluefrog towers brainstorming ideas for a new digital product for a pitch for the International HIV/AIDS Alliance. For those…
This is not fundraising
Over the last fifteen years or so, we’ve seen a fundamental change in how we raise money. For most of the twentieth century, fundraising was about engagement. It was about recruiting new donors, nurturing them, getting a second gift, then a third and then moving…
Plus ça change
Hundreds of old charity ads going back to the mid 19th century can be found here. Take a look.
Pixar’s 22 Rules of Storytelling
Back in 2011, former Pixar artist, Emma Coats tweeted a series of rules for great storytelling that she’d picked up from her colleagues. Dinolgnacio has now painstakingly superimposed all 22 over images from Pixar’s films as a means to remember them. They aren’t all directly…
There are three types of supporter
CAF have just released a new report that segments the UK population according to their attitude to charity. They have identified three key groups – The Civic Core, The Middle Ground and Zero Givers. The Civic Core, volunteer the most, donate most goods to shops,…
Why you need to entertain (and stuff like that)
Here's a great video produced for Red Nose Day in New Zealand. There is no real reason to share it other than it features Flight of the Conchords and, as a result, is rather amusing. But perhaps that should be reason enough. Outrage or pity…
This is not a strategy
Nor is this… Great fundraising isn't about reducing the amount you ask for until it means so little to the donor that they simply don't care about handing it over. Nor is it about asking again until the donor feels uncomfortable saying no. It's…
The Essentials
Crack the Code to Regular Giving: Insights, Strategies, and a Special Giveaway!
‘Tis Halloween. Keep to the light and beware the Four Fundraisers of the Apocalypse!
Why do people give? The Donor Participation Project with Louis Diez.
A guide to fundraising on the back of a postcard
What does the latest research tell us about the state of fundraising?