Tag: donor needs

I’ve forgotten the Ps

The 4 'P's that make up the marketing mix are over 40 years old.  They were originated by Richard Clewett in the 60s, but made famous by Philip Kotler in Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning and Control which was published in 1967 (which was pretty much…

Not another bloody graph!

Yep. Another graph. But hopefully the last one for a  while. I'll try to get back to humorous videos, anecdotes and lovely qually research as soon as possible.  I'm not sure how useful this one is going to be, but it's pretty interesting all the same.  Bill…

The lure of celebrity

After sharing a few thoughts on the impact celebrities can have on appeals on Conor's fundraising blog, I've spent some time thinking about the recently announced NCVO celebrity-laden campaign aimed at encouraging people to donate £2 a month (or possibly volunteer a few hours). You…