Now and again, something happens that surprises you
In my efforts to keep this blog dynamic and useful, I’ve taken to late night and early morning posting (It’s the only chance I get as I’m running Bluefrog during the day). At about half-past seven on Friday evening, I put up the preceding post…
I’ve given my first donation via Twitter
I’ve posted about FORGE in the past (A US based charity that works with displaced communities in Africa). They tried to implement the Kiva model (without the lending part) and it didn’t work too well. As a result, Executive Director, Kjerstin Erickson, went public about…
So how much should people give to charity?
There are a great couple of video clips on First off is an interview with Peter Singer, author of The Life You Can Save. In case you didn’t know, Peter is a professor of bioethics at Princeton University and his new book combines a…
Direct debit cancellations are on the up – so what?
Rapidata has just released a fantastic report on what’s happening to charity direct debits in the UK. If you’ve read the article in Third Sector, you’ve just scratched the surface of what you’ll find in the actual paper. It’s more than a simple document saying…
Do you want your donors to love your charity?
I remember being at a fundraising conference a few years back where delegates were talking with jealousy about the passion that people had for football teams and rock stars. One person summed up this feeling by saying how he felt when he went to see…
I’ve forgotten the Ps
The 4 'P's that make up the marketing mix are over 40 years old. They were originated by Richard Clewett in the 60s, but made famous by Philip Kotler in Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning and Control which was published in 1967 (which was pretty much…
Happy Valentines Day
A cheap and simple ad extolling the virtues of taking your loved one to Wellington Zoo this evening. With a picnic for two at $68 and private dining at $250, Wellington Zoo has solved a problem for men who are in need of a little…
I think Kiva needs some fundraisers
If you support Kiva, you'll probably know that is a great resource. (If for some reason you haven't yet heard of Kiva, can I recommend that you visit their site – hopefully lending a few quid whilst you're at it – or check out this…
The lure of celebrity
After sharing a few thoughts on the impact celebrities can have on appeals on Conor's fundraising blog, I've spent some time thinking about the recently announced NCVO celebrity-laden campaign aimed at encouraging people to donate £2 a month (or possibly volunteer a few hours). You…
What interests your donors?
Do you know what really interests your donors? How about this list? Do your donors care about any of these issues? How efficient you are. How green you are. How thrifty you are. How you monitor the effect of appeals and campaigns, whether TV ads…
The Essentials
Crack the Code to Regular Giving: Insights, Strategies, and a Special Giveaway!
‘Tis Halloween. Keep to the light and beware the Four Fundraisers of the Apocalypse!
Why do people give? The Donor Participation Project with Louis Diez.
A guide to fundraising on the back of a postcard
What does the latest research tell us about the state of fundraising?