Heretical fundraising ideas for 2022
I’ve often thought that the best fundraising practices that inconveniently clash with that sparkly new product or ad campaign can get unnecessarily sidelined – sometimes completely forgotten – in the drive to ‘innovate’.
With that in mind, I put together a list of my favourite fundraising ‘heresies’ on LinkedIn as I thought they might rebalance the conversation a little. Happily, they were received quite well so I thought you might be interested in taking a look:
- Fundraising from people with money to spare is generally more effective than fundraising from people who have no money.
- Not having a coupon on a press ad is likely to recruit less donors and raise less money.
- Showing thanks and demonstrating specific impact is usually the best way to retain donors.
- Learning the basics of fundraising is better than not learning the basics of fundraising.
- The opinion of your donors is normally better than the opinions of your mates.
- People with experience of fundraising might occasionally have more to offer than people with no experience.
- On balance, it is probably better to read books about fundraising rather than Twitter threads about fundraising.
- The best ways to raise money is to simply show the people who care about your cause what needs to be done and ask them to support it.
- Changing the name of your charity will confuse your donors.
- Asking middle-aged people for a legacy isn’t likely to generate many bequests.
If you have any of your own that you might want to add, pop over to Linkedin to share.
And of course, can I please emphasise that there’s nothing wrong with innovation. In fact, I love it. But there’s nothing wrong with great ideas that already work either.
This list was inspired by a tweet from Ryan Wallman (also known as @Dr_draper)
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