Why does it always have to be un-earmarked?
Which of the following statements are true? The earth is flat. Global warming isn’t happening. Lemmings commit mass suicide. Wearing a warm coat will stop you catching flu. Warts are caused by handling toads. Appeals have to be for unrestricted funds. Yep. You got it….
When should you try and reactivate lapsed donors?
There's the old story of the man driving around lost in the countryside. He eventually sees someone up ahead and pulls over and asks for directions to his destination. The local looks at him, scratches his head and says, "Well, if I were you, I…
My seven stages of Twitter
You must have heard about Twitter. If you are already a user, you’ll probably be able to relate to much of my experience. If you haven’t yet joined, hopefully this will help you find out what lies in store for you. First a few notes…
Forget toxic assets. It’s toxic donors that we need to worry about
How can some donors be toxic? Aren't they all the same? Sadly, the answer is no. Just look at attrition rates of regular givers. Some of the most recently adopted recruitment techniques have very high levels of attrition – face to face, TV and telephone recruited…
The true cost of the RBS loss
The Royal Bank of Scotland has just announced the largest annual loss in UK corporate history – 24.1 billion pounds. That's £24,100,000,000. That's $34,200,000,000. That's one brand new classroom for every 80 children living in sub-saharan Africa. That's enough to give clean, safe drinking water…
The Essentials
Crack the Code to Regular Giving: Insights, Strategies, and a Special Giveaway!
‘Tis Halloween. Keep to the light and beware the Four Fundraisers of the Apocalypse!
Why do people give? The Donor Participation Project with Louis Diez.
A guide to fundraising on the back of a postcard
What does the latest research tell us about the state of fundraising?