Impact of recession on Oxfam’s charity shops
Oxfam have released a fascinating report on the impact of the recession on their charity shops. Having the largest number of stores (714) of any charity in the UK, it presents a pretty comprehensive picture of what is happening nationwide. The highlights are: Donations of…
Results of Barnardo’s TV campaign
Following on from my piece on Barnardo’s creative work in the 1930’s, I’d thought it might be interesting to get a little more contemporary. I’ve blogged before about Barnardo‘s recent TV ad (produced by BBH). I think it’s a great piece of work and if…
Another lesson from history
I’ve just come across another ad that shows us how to do it. Produced by Dr. Barnardo’s Homes (or simply Barnardo’s as they are now) in 1931, it has a huge amount that today’s fundraisers could learn from. It shows a single child who was…
The recession is hitting home for some donors – but not all of them
Back in November, a number of the key indicators were showing that the main impact of the economic downturn would be on donor recruitment. As a result, Bluefrog commissioned a survey that specifically asked people about their attitudes to giving to charities that they didn't…
A change in direction for the NSPCC
There was a piece of news that seems to have sneaked under the radar in the last week or so, but could be the first step of a change in fundraising practice that will influence a whole range of charities. It did get a mention…
Who to vote for in the Professional Fundraising’s ‘most influential’ poll
The nominations for Professional Fundraising's who has the most staff and mates award is the "most influential person in fundraising" poll closes on Wednesday at 5.30. Derek Humphries makes a very sensible case for one very influential person on his blog. His suggestion is that it…
Further developments on the use of the £1 pack
Since my post on the £1 pack a few weeks back, I've received a couple of examples of how other charities are using it (thanks very much to those readers that sent them in). One of the most interesting of which has recently been mailed by the…
Forget toxic assets. It’s toxic donors that we need to worry about
How can some donors be toxic? Aren't they all the same? Sadly, the answer is no. Just look at attrition rates of regular givers. Some of the most recently adopted recruitment techniques have very high levels of attrition – face to face, TV and telephone recruited…
Results from massive research study into why donors lapse
Bluefrog’s research into why donors lapse, The Fundraiser’s Guide to Lapsers, is now available for download by clicking here. As mentioned in a previous post, we were fortunate in having Professor Adrian Sargeant review our work and for very kindly writing the foreword. I’d like…
From a gift of £1 to a £2.5 million legacy
Bluefrog CSD, Matt Parkes talks about the £1 pack from his own experience as Head of Fundraising at ChildLine, on his blog, Parkeslife. He also recounts how a massive legacy was generated by the concept. If you are interested in revamping your donor acquisition and development,…
The Essentials
Crack the Code to Regular Giving: Insights, Strategies, and a Special Giveaway!
‘Tis Halloween. Keep to the light and beware the Four Fundraisers of the Apocalypse!
Why do people give? The Donor Participation Project with Louis Diez.
A guide to fundraising on the back of a postcard
What does the latest research tell us about the state of fundraising?