What is your favourite fundraising book?

Today is World Book Day. Which is rather appropriate timing to ask you for some book related help.
I recently met with someone who has a very large library of fundraising books that are not being used. It is packed full of volumes of great advice and interesting ideas that we’d like to get into the hands of practicing fundraisers.
So we came up with an idea of creating an online resource where anyone looking to fill a knowledge gap or in need of an idea could get free access to books appropriate to their situation and level of knowledge.
We’d perhaps supplement the library by buying in a number of copies of the more popular books so when something was needed, it would be readily available.
To see if this is an idea worth progressing, I’ve put together a very short survey that asks for your opinion along with your recommendations for books that you feel should be included.
This is a germ of an idea that might not be practical but I’d appreciate your views. At the very least, we’d come up with a great book list for people in the industry.
To access the survey, please click here and let me know what you think. It will be open until next Friday, the 15th of March. I’ll publish the results shortly afterwards. If you could share the survey in your charity, agency, on social media – that sort of thing – it would be really appreciated.
Thank you. You are the best!
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