Back in 2006, a Bank of America / Indiana University study looking at the charitable motivations of high net-worth individuals identified a very simple fact.

It’s a fact that at Bluefrog, we see time and time again in our research.

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When donors are asked what would motivate them to give more, few talk about the attraction of an organisational brand, shared values or knowing more about the goals of a charity.

What is important is that they know the charity is using funds efficiently and effectively. Usually phrased in ‘donor speak’ as an organisation having ‘low administration costs’.

Just behind, is the desire to determine what impact their gift makes. Donors want to know what their £100 or $100 has actually helped achieve.

It’s a distinction around the concept of responsibility that more charities would do well to emphasise.

Though the charity is responsible for effective use of the donation, the donor is responsible for the life that is changed.

The more we recognise this simple fact and demonstrate it to our donors, the more money we will raise.