Why do donors stop giving?
Back in 2009, Bluefrog undertook a huge qualitative research exercise to identify and highlight the reasons why donors stop giving to charities.
The paper we published at the time is as relevant today as it was then. So I thought it might be useful if we made it publicly available again.
It's called The Fundraiser's Guide to Lapsers and you can download a copy by clicking here (no sign up or email registration required).
It's broken down into three sections.
1. Why we did it and our methodology.
2. How the disengagement process works. That's if there was any sort of relationship in the first place (which is a massive part of the problem, particularly with the use of prospecting and interruption recruitment techniques such face to face and mobile).
3. Ideas of how you can stem attrition (which actually do work).
Hopefully, you'll find it interesting and useful. Happy for people to share, but we do ask that you credit Bluefrog wherever and whenever it is used (not just the name of the researchers).
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