An award tells you more about the judges than the contestants
D&AD have just had their annual awards bash where they hand out their coveted yellow pencils in recognition of outstanding creative work. It's not just the big agencies who get their chance to shine, students have their opportunity too. And this year, one of the…
Why don’t people care as much as you?
When you are committed to a cause it's easy to think that the only reason other people don't feel the same is that they don't understand. Your reaction might be to bombard them with evidence – facts, figures, statistics – anything that supports your position….
How to make a social stew
Last month I featured an episode of Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle where he shared his views on why celebrities get involved with charites. I recently discovered he's just published a presentation on what he could do to boost his social media presence. As you'll see,…
A Father’s Day fundraising tip
It's Father's Day on Sunday, which finally gives me an excuse to feature this video. It might not have much to do with fundraising – it was produced by a church from Oklahoma and used as the opening to their Father's Day service in 2010…
Donors don’t like giving when it doesn’t feel good
Face to face donor recruitment is back in the spotlight following the publication of a survey that reported 44% of respondents thought chugging was the most aggressive form of fundraising. The PFRA was quick to respond, questioning the validity of the sample, the questions and…
Are you a writer or communicator?
Bill Bernbach was one of the original Mad Men. The founder of DDB, he created some of the most famous lines in advertising. Bill appreciated that great ads came from an understanding of human motivations. And, in that respect, he didn't necessarily think that facts…
So what do people really dislike about direct mail appeals?
The FRSB has just released their Annual Report for 2010. Based on the detailed analysis of complaints received by 1,138 UK charities, I'd say it paints a pretty decent picture of our noble profession. Even when you look at the more 'engaging' fundraising techniques –…
Should no one be able to fundraise until they learn direct response?
A presentation from David Ogilvy on the importance of direct marketing. As I watched it, I couldn't help but be reminded of the relationship between advertising people and fundraising people today. Well worth a few minutes of your time. Thanks to the Jewish Donor Blog.
If you don’t build what donors want, they aren’t going to come
Blackbaud have just released their 2011 Internet and Multi-channel Giving Benchmarking Report. Based on data from 28 US nonprofit organisations, It takes a long-term look (5 years) on how donors move between online and traditional direct marketing programmes. It's a US study, but many of…
The great banner sale
GRAACC is a Brazilian hospital that offers free treatment for children with cancer. Over the last few years they have used a number of innovative approaches to raising funds. in 2011, they undertook the great banner sale. Rather than simply ask people for money, they…
The Essentials
Crack the Code to Regular Giving: Insights, Strategies, and a Special Giveaway!
‘Tis Halloween. Keep to the light and beware the Four Fundraisers of the Apocalypse!
Why do people give? The Donor Participation Project with Louis Diez.
A guide to fundraising on the back of a postcard
What does the latest research tell us about the state of fundraising?