Change the future of fundraising by sharing your best practice
I’m currently working with Ken Burnett who has asked me to identify the best global fundraising practice to be featured in the final report of the Commission on the Donor Experience.
Our goal is to demonstrate what can be achieved over the long-term by focusing on communications that honestly, responsibly and consistently move donors emotionally.
To that end, I’m starting the process of hunting down the best examples of excellent fundraising from throughout the world.
As you might imagine, this isn’t about highlighting that shiny ball, flash in the pan campaign that might have excited everyone after winning an award based on six month’s worth of results. Instead we are looking for solid examples of fundraising practice that have an impact that can be seen across a number of years.
The work we are looking to feature does not necessarily have to be ‘clever’ or innovative. In fact, we recognise that those charities that have simply focused on recruiting supporters with a direct connection to their cause and treating them well may well out-perform organisations that regularly change strategy or spread their reach too wide and too thinly. And we must emphasise that we want to hear from small or mid-sized organisations as well as large.
We are interested in how recruitment can be most effectively combined with development. And in particular:
- how potential supporters are identified
- how they have their needs recognised and answered
- how this looks creatively over time
- what financial impact this has had
- details of testing / evidence of success
In addition to traditional print based direct marketing, we are looking for examples of fundraising in (or across a number of) the following areas:
- TV/video
- legacy
- digital
- mobile
- face to face
- community
- mass event
- mid/high value
- branding
If you think you have an approach that demonstrates how fundraising should work, please send an email to me at [email protected] flagging up your interest and briefly outlining the thinking behind it. Some broad financial indicators would also be useful. But, above all, just get in touch.
We’ll then respond with more detailed questions about the programme and help you put together your final submission for consideration for inclusion.
Please use the same email address for any questions you may have. Please be assured that all applications will be treated confidentiality and nothing will be published without your final approval.
If you have anything you wish to share, can I thank you in advance for getting involved. There are many organisations that are in great need of good case studies to help refocus fundraising strategy and practice. Sadly we have no awards to offer. Instead you’ll have the sector’s thanks and recognition. And of course, you’ll also have the knowledge that you will have helped create a sustainable future for fundraising. But hopefully, that will be enough.
And finally if you can share this post on Twitter, Facebook, Linked In or even on good old email, I’d really appreciate it. We need to identify the best of the best. And your help at any level is essential to that.
Here’s to a fantastic future for fundraising and your role in it!
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