Do brands matter in a recession?
When your charity undertakes a re-brand does it stop and start at the design stage or does it direct the relationship you have with your donors at every level of the organisation? If it is primarily a design and copy led exercise, you need to…
Today is World Malaria Day
Today is World Malaria Day. Not much news from the NGOs so I thought I’d put up Mosquito Song from Seun Kuti. It’s a cracking tune. If you’d like to buy a mosquito net for someone in a poor country, ActionAid have some you might…
Fundraising as fashion
I was out buying a giant map today and saw this display in a nearby clothes shop. Each bag cost £45 pounds. For each purchase, the World Food Programme receives a donation that will pay for 50 school meals for a child in Haiti. Apparently…
Essential tips on successful face to face recruitment
Just discovered this, which made me chuckle. It’s more a lesson in how not to do it.
Fundraising 1880s style
Another treat from the archives from Gary Shearin at the YMCA. This time it’s an appeal letter from the 1880’s and It’s a cracker. The goal is the construction of a new YMCA in Newcastle-on-Tyne. In effect, it’s a very early version of face to…
You reap what you sow
Having spent a few days in Cornwall, I had an opportunity to get on the delivery end of some of the charities I support. The National Trust were absolutely great at Bedruthan Steps, asking me about places I've visited and handing over a map featuring…
Those young men knew how to fundraise
Gary Shearin from YMCA England has discovered a couple of great examples of YMCA fundraising materials in their archives. I was particularly impressed with this feedback piece produced in 1916. Before the days of computers and spreadsheets, the clerks at the YMCA were able to…
Who makes the final decision about what you send to donors?
I’ve always loved research. It lies at the very heart of Bluefrog. We channel a large part of our tiny profits into filling knowledge gaps in the charity sector by undertaking research that gives insight and guidance on tackling some of the biggest problems that…
Do you need some help?
Most fundraisers work with tight budgets and to tough targets. It’s part of the territory of fundraising. Creative thinking, a focus on the needs of the donor and great database management can only take you so far. Sometimes you need help. But who do you…
The Essentials
Crack the Code to Regular Giving: Insights, Strategies, and a Special Giveaway!
‘Tis Halloween. Keep to the light and beware the Four Fundraisers of the Apocalypse!
Why do people give? The Donor Participation Project with Louis Diez.
A guide to fundraising on the back of a postcard
What does the latest research tell us about the state of fundraising?