Welcome to the Fundraiser’s Book Club
Together with Jen Love from Agents of Good, we have now released the first episode of the Fundraiser’s Book Club on Fundraising Everywhere TV.
As you might expect, each month, Jen and I discuss a fundraising book. And to kick off we chose Donor Care by John Haydon.
John died earlier this year after a long battle with cancer and spent the final months of his life writing this book as a gift to the sector.
What makes’s John’s book so important is that it presents a philosophy for life as a fundraiser. I’ve never read anything quite like it.
It focuses on the number one problem in the sector which John sums up as:
“the unintentional lack of donor care, reflected in poor retention rates and lowered expectations of donors.”
That means, as he explains, that donors have learned not to expect much from charities – all because of a lack of donor care.
There is loads of fascinating insight and great ideas in John’s Book which we discuss in the review. I hope you enjoy it (and as a bonus, the book club is followed by two other FETV programmes – Goals Gone Wild and The Unsteady Hand).
We’d like feedback on which book you’d like us to read next month from two classics: George Smith’s Asking properly or Ken Burnett’s Relationship Fundraising. Please let us know by voting below. The winning title will be August’s book. We’d love you to read along with us, share your views and get involved in the discussion so please watch out for updates.
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