Have a great christmas
I've a couple of posts that still can't get from my brain to the interweb and, quite honestly, it looks like I'm running out of time. But it's christmas!
I hope yours is a fantastic one and that santa brings you everything you could wish for and 2011 is a great year.
Thank you for reading, commenting and sharing the stuff I post on here through tweets, re-blogging, favouriting and emailing links. Without you, this blog would be just a dusty little backwater.
As a final treat, I've added a festive video (thanks to Bill) to this post that sums up one of my themes from 2010 that will no doubt be repeated next year.
Merry Christmas
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I’m a little late reading this. I took a hiatus from my computer over the holidays. It was wonderful.
Thanks for your great blogs Mark! My husband had sent me this video as well. It’s an entertaining and interesting way to show how our world is constantly changing and adapting to the new forms of communications that we have available to us.
I hope you had a Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year!