Giving by Christians staying strong in the economic down-turn
A recent poll undertaken by ComRes and published by Premier Christian Radio shows that the vast majority of Christians are still giving to charity despite the impact of the recession.
Bluefrog had looked at the attitudes of the wider public to giving to new charities back in November and April and found that the number of people not supporting a charity had grown from 26% to 31%.
This is in contrast with this ComRes study, which found that just one per cent of Christians had stopped giving since the start of the recession.
Against the uncertainty of the economic turndown, 16% had increased donations, 69% had maintained their level of support and 13% had cut back on giving.
Though sample sizes were quite small, the results showed that 91% of Anglicans were giving more or the same whereas only 81% of Methodists were able to maintain their pre-recession levels of support.
Almost a quarter of Independent Christians had managed to increase their charitable gifts.
Fieldwork was conducted online by ComRes between 22nd April and 1st May amongst 512 respondents. Data tables can be downloaded here.
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