Coca Cola turns vending machines into collection boxes
If you feel a little thirsty next time you're in Japan and decide to make a trip to your nearest vending machine for a refreshing beverage, you'll find more than a few cans of Coke on offer. You'll also be able to support the Japanese…
Direct debit cancellation rates on the rise
Following my post on the general downturn in DM response rates experienced at the time of the Royal Wedding in April, we have more evidence that this might be the start of a more pronounced trend. Rapidata has released details of direct debit cancellations for…
Using mobile to make press ads speak
Interesting use of mobile / QR codes to turn a press ad into a multi-media experience. The original inspiration looks like it came from this idea used to spice up a CV.
The real life adventures of David Ogilvy
As featured in ADWEEK as a tribute to his 100th Birthday. Illustration by Joao Maio Pinto.
Does religion make people nicer?
Take any mainstream charity and you'll find that a significant number of people on the supporter base regularly attend a place of worship. But does that mean religious people are nicer than everyone else? After reading Deepak Malhorta's study on religious salience, it seems the…
Are you suffering from a royal wedding hangover?
Having analysed the results for a number of appeals and spoken to fundraisers from throughout the sector, it looks like we are suffering from a royal wedding DM hangover. Fundraising campaigns that were mailed in the run up to Easter or shortly after the wedding…
Have you got a magic drawer?
This is a photograph of Shanon Doolittle's magic drawer. As you'll see, it's packed full of cards – greeting cards, thank you cards, anniversary cards – every sort of card that might be useful to show a donor that you appreciate their support. Of course,…
What would happen if you lived your real life like your virtual one?
A rather entertaining viral video from the English National Opera, that demonstrates what might happen if you used Facebook and Twitter rules for your real life. Nothing really to add apart from the obvious – not all friends are friends.
Where next for mobile giving?
Following from last week's post on mobile giving in the UK, I thought it might be useful to share this rather good presentation from US digital agency, space150 on broader trends in mobile use. Mobile Trends – June 2011 – Trending The Future View more…
The Essentials
Crack the Code to Regular Giving: Insights, Strategies, and a Special Giveaway!
‘Tis Halloween. Keep to the light and beware the Four Fundraisers of the Apocalypse!
Why do people give? The Donor Participation Project with Louis Diez.
A guide to fundraising on the back of a postcard
What does the latest research tell us about the state of fundraising?