Do you want extra foam with your charity?
The Docklands Light Railway is under construction, it’s freezing cold in London so the bike isn’t getting out as much as it should and, as a result, I’m doing loads more walking.
I pass a number of Starbucks on the way to work. I don’t really like coffee (unlike the much-missed Matt Parkes whose daily caffeine buzz now comes from pressing the number 57 on a machine in Swindon), but I do like this advertising board that stands outside most of their coffee shops.
They don’t proclaim to serve the best coffee in the world, the country or even the city. They are better than that. They serve
“Your perfect coffee. Made just the way you like it”.
It’s something that we can learn from. Rather from banging away about how our charity is the best at caring for animals, beating cancer, helping women or fighting poverty we should concentrate on being the best charity for our donors.
By doing so, we will raise more money and better serve the causes we exist for. Thinking about it, all we have to do is swap a few words and we have the basis of a great fundraising strategy…
…Your perfect feedback. Delivered just the way you like it.
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